Individual Therapy

Imagine what it would feel like to have a rich and satisfying emotional life.

You wake up refreshed and happy. You feel genuinely good about who you are and look forward to what the day will bring.

Sure, there will be highs and lows – but you know you’ve got this, no matter what happens.

You allow yourself the freedom to experience deep joy, pleasure, intimacy.

You embrace the bad with the good, confident that your emotions work for you instead of against you.

You feel real, lasting clarity.

It’s not just a fantasy. Individual therapy CAN help you have all this – and more!

Psychotherapy is a relationship-based learning environment.

Your experience of therapy will be unique, a dynamic, experiential conversation between you and me.

I’ll give you the acceptance, support, curiosity, and safety you need to nurture change in your relationships: with yourself, your people, and your work.

But it’s not magic.

Therapy is not instant gratification – it’s challenging. It’s hard work.

But I’ll be with you every step of the way.

We’ll have active and collaborative interaction.

We’ll “listen” to multiple levels of your experience – your internal dialogue, beliefs, emotions, memory, sensations, and physical reactions.

What you gain from therapy will depend on how well you use the process and put into practice what you learn.

You’ll experience many benefits.

You’ll “Know Thyself” more fully and clarify your personal goals and values.

You’ll curb emotional burn out and cultivate self-nurturing and restorative practices.

You’ll develop communication skills that make being with people a pleasure and spare you resentment, embarrassment, or guilt.

You’ll evict chronic depression and anxiety.

You’ll learn how to transform destructive anger into boundary setting, responsive problem-solving, and effective communication.

You’ll get better at dealing with the hassles of daily life, so you have more time for the things you want to do.

You’ll get in touch with your emotions, positive and negative, to alleviate numbness or that pressure cooker feeling.

You’ll ditch bad habits and outdated patterns that deprive you of real happiness and peace.

You’ll experience more love and intimacy in your life.

You’ll understand the obstacles in your past and garner the lessons that will move you forward in your life.

It’s time to unburden and drop the heavy backpack.

Liberate yourself from the suffering caused by over-control or chaos. Step out of the shadows of anger and self-doubt.

Bask in the sunlight of the clarity and confidence that spring naturally from your self-development.

It’s a beautiful thing!

It takes commitment and courage, but the potential rewards of feeling whole, connected to your values and purpose in life are worth it!

Change can start today.

Contact me by completing the form below, and let’s start your journey.