Couples Therapy

Where did the love go?

What’s wrong? Why are you always angry? I feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells around you.

I thought we were a team. Why can’t we get on the same page about the kids?

Why do you criticize everything I do? I’ve tried everything I can to make you happy – why aren’t you ever satisfied?

We never do anything, never go anywhere. Your depression is really bringing me down. I can’t be responsible for all your needs.

You never talk to me, never show me how you feel. I can’t read your mind.

It’s like you’re not even here. I’m so lonely. I can’t even remember the last time we made love.

Don’t you care? Don’t you love me anymore?

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to.

Are you desperate for a way out? A way to break through the wall between the two of you?

Couples therapy can help.

We’ll dig into family origins and past difficulties holding you back from true intimacy and break down the walls that keep you feeling distant.

We’ll set goals for changing long-term stress reactivity, bad habits, and non-productive behavioral tendencies.

We’ll break down those destructive and defensive communication patterns and forge healthy ones that foster real conversations – conversations that build genuine empathy for each other, breed mutual understanding, and heal the hurts you’ve dealt one another.

We’ll discover the secrets of effective verbal and nonverbal communication, so you can share your deepest feelings and experience each other in a refreshing new way.

We’ll learn how your attachment styles and stress stories chip away at the shared bond you have.

We’ll transcend assumptions, criticism, and blame into mature love that seeks to understand and negotiate around meeting both of your needs.

We’ll work to keep you loving more and fighting/hurting less.

Rediscover what brought you together… and so much more.

Couples therapy can bring you to a deeper understanding and regard for each other than you ever thought possible.

To begin your journey, contact me by completing the form below!